Why am I choosing to do this.?

For starters, I am a lesbian.I recently broke up with “the love of my life” and I’m pretty much in the process of getting over her.ever since we have separated, I have been a player I guess you could call it.I have gorgeous girls calling me constantly, texting me, meeting me places, telling me things, acting like we are dating..constantly. I love the fact that I have so many beautiful girls trying to impress me and such, but at the same time, I feel kinda sick for doing it.I’m not sure if I’m just doing it to get over my ex, or what..but it’s really starting to bother me. I know this may be a stupid question, but I have a bad feeling that this is going to develop into a serious dramatic problem pretty soon. I just need to know what you think.if you were in my position (you don’t have to be lesbian) , what would you do.?

Answer #1

Hey hun. okay well im exactly the same way! when me and my boy break up I cry and go full out wh*ree. I don’t know why I do. But your probably doing it because you like the feeling also your trying 2 get ova her and this is the easiest way. Since I totally understand what your going thur, I think you shuld go back out wit hher because the sec she starts 2 move on IT WILL KILL U. So what eva happened work it out okay sweetie.


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