why am I always so tierd?

oky so latly I have been so tierd and going to sleep around 5-7 and when I get to school the next day im still tierd and my mom said im over tierd but if I was I wouldnt go to sleep that early EVERYDAY thts why im kinda confused but latly theres been a lot of stress and fights in my house, mby thts it or should I ask a doctor???

Answer #1

You could ask a doctor, but you are probably just sleeping to much. The more you sleep the more your body wants to sleep. Then everytime you wake up your still tired or you get tired shortly after that.

Answer #2

Go to the doctor and talk about your symptoms. You might have mono, anemia, or like the person above said, a vitamin deficiency.

Answer #3

At your age that sounds very wrong consult your doctor darling could be a vitamin defficiency or something good luck

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