Why a guy is glancing at me?

I have noticed that this guy who sits near me is sometimes glancing at me. Everytime I catch him, he always just looks away and messes with his cell phone. He doesn’t smile but just looks right at me. The reason why I’m a little curious is because one day when our class got switched into another room, he gently grabbed my arm to stop me and ask what room we were in. I don’t know if it was to get my attention or was literally confused at what class number we were in. Please help

Answer #1

It does sound like he likes you

Answer #2

sounds like he wants to get to know you better, and maybe even start a relationship.

Answer #3

it seems he likes you just expresses his liking to you in a weird way or, hes a very very very shy guy

Answer #4

yup it sounds like he does like you he might just be shy :]

Answer #5

It sounds like this guy has a crush on you and he’s trying to show it in his own way,talk to him about it see where things lead.

Answer #6

How can you assume someone asking what class number your in is a sign he likes you? Does he go out of his way to talk to you in class? Does he ever call you? Does he want to hang out with you? Those would be signs a guy is somewhat interested, but ask you a question…? Sounds like YOUR looking for a boyfriend, and you are looking for ANY sign from this guy, because YOU want him.

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