
why do gay dudes hit on me all the time saying I’m hot and crap but only a few chicks seem to agree? Its annoying… I mean I guess I’m flattered but… it bugs the living hell out of me (this will probably get deleted real quick haha just funmail me)

Answer #1

The same thing happens with me [but with chicks] lol.

I’d just say “dude, I’m not gay” And leave that person alone. It works for me.

Good luck


Answer #2

I agree with mandyloo I have a lot of gay guy friends and they like to hit on guys just for experimentation to see how they will react ignore them and dont let them know that you feel awkward because making you feel awkward is their goal another possible answer: …they got to big crush on you! :p

Answer #3

Most gay guys will not hit on a straight guy knowingly and if they are doing it, it’s most likely because they find it funny that it annoys you and are just messing around.

a lot of gay guys will hit on a knowingly straight guy just to watch their reaction and to get under their skin. If they know it bothers you, they will keep doing it. Just ignore them and they will stop.

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