Where is my period

hi im 13 years old and I’ve had my period four 2 1/2 years now, and 2 1/2 weeks ago I was soposed to start again … and I havent!! I’ve’e never had sex so I cant b pregnant!! so whATS GOING ON… PLEASE HELP

Answer #1

Hold on and RELAX, it’s NORMAL

You are still going through puberty and your period can take anything from 2-5 years to regularise. what you are explaining is normal for girls around your age. you shouldn’t worry if at this age you skip a period.

Answer #2

I would hope you would have talked with your mother and have made a appointment to see a doctor. Lots of young girls are diagiosed with Ovary issues

Answer #3

sometimes if a girl is too slim they don’t have periods because their body cant afford to lose the blood…

Answer #4

you might need to keep the fluids. ask your mom.

Answer #5

Take a deep breath. Of course in the first three years, it’s going to be irregular.

Answer #6

maybe you mis counted???

Answer #7

ask your mom

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