My boyfriends mom

My boyfriends mom decided to ban me from ever seein him or talkin to him expect at school but hes 2 years below me so I nv get to see him really. She did that because on my facebook I put my status as ashley says you want attitude ill give you attitude and she thought I was talkin to her bout I wasnt and I told her I wasnt but apperently she doesnt believe me. Shes always been mean to me ever since I started going out with him. First she just made it so I was only allowed over 2days a week till 5 then I had an attitude apprently though I still didnt so she said I wasnt allowed at their house. Now this!!! Why is she doin this to me??? I nv did anything

Answer #1

its one year!!! ik people who are dating someone whos 4 years older. its not the age its the person. age is all but a number

Answer #2

hes 12. and weve been friends for 4 years and shes nv had a problem with me before

Answer #3

Well, maybe she realized theres more between you, than just a friendship! Seriously, why are you dating a 12 yr old? Girls mature faster than boys…so you must be immature for your age. It doesnt matter if you’ve been friends since birth, let him grow up, and if theres still feelings in a couple years, then go for it, but right now, hes much too young for you!

Answer #4

If your 13, that must put your boyfriend at 11? No wonder his mom is acting the way she is!

Answer #5

some parents have a hard time letting their children grow up. and sometimes you really have to make sure you are as respectful as you can possibly be - especially to your boyfriends parents. it sind of sounds like the normal rough time that most young people face when they begin dating someone- I know I faced a few ‘mean protective fathers’ in my time.

I know you may not feel it is right to do so- but try to present a ‘positive’ image, work on that for awhile- try not to butt heads with ‘the mother’ , and in a while she may come around. the worst thing parents hate is to have a ‘young person’ trying to defy their authority.

so be POLITE, POLITE, POLITE, and it should work out for you.

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