
It just seems so hard to find the right person for me..I think being bigger than most people is the reason in my situation..will I ever find the one for me?? Why do people look on the outside instead of getting to know a person for who they really are on the inside??..I just don’t understand. Maybe oneday I’ll find the one…what do y’all think?? NO NEGATIVITY PLEASE…thanks :)

Answer #1

being bigger, is no excuse. you don’t want a shallow guy anyway.. god made you that way for a reason- so you’ll fall in love with somone who doesn’t care about looks but the inside, that’s the way it’s meant to be :)

Answer #2

Anyone who just looks on the oustide isnt even worth your time!! I kinda know how you feel I was in a sorta higher class neiborhood so all the girls were underdeveloped and very very skinny. I wasnt over weight but I hit puberty before a lot of them so I had a chest and but where most girls didnt…I was litterly one of ten girls in my grade who had developed much at all and I felt so singled out, because of my genes I could never and would never be stick thin! So I was actually anerexic for a year and developed IBS because of it and quiete a few health problems, I was always sick! I realized I wasnt happy at all, and I barely lost any weight out of it either! you need to love every single part of yourself because you get to be different!

and the person who is right for you will love every part of you just because its you! I found my current boyfriend and he didnt want one of the super skinny girls that I was surrounded by, he loved my body very very much even though starting out I was still very selfconcious. The right person will love you no matter what! And you dont need to change yourself for anyone! If you decide to change just because you want to then go ahead but dont change yourself to please anyone else! Because really the right one is out there and they are waiting for you!!

Answer #3

your right its no excuse but people sometimes tend to act like its a problem with them. But I really believe that will happen so im just gon wait and be patient…thanks :)

Answer #4

yes I think som1 where out there..there is som1 who is looking for you and you guys will meet and go on dates and talk and txt and do each other haha (b safe) and get married and have kids and b happy and then get old with him and then like other stuf yeah =]

Answer #5

Thanks y’all, that just made me feel a lot better..I’m just gonna stay hopeful and wait for mr. perfect lol…THAnKS =]

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