Wht shld I do??

My boyfriend and I have been 2 gether for about 2 months and I like him and all but he’s head over heals and done told me he loves me and I’m no where near th! I have told him how I feel but he won’t bck off. Clingy??..yes! But he the perfect guy for me but I jud don’t feel anything…whts wrng wit me??

Answer #1

you have to give it time if you think hes the perfect guy and treats you right then stick with him they are hard to find but you should do what you feel inside your heart your heart will lead you to whats right

Answer #2

tell him you dont feel that strong yet about him… whatever you do, do NOT tell him you love him unless you mean it… my ex did that and I nearly killed myself a few times because of it… thats probably one of the only ways he knows how to show his affection for you…

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