who was amerigo vespucci?

Ok so im doing a report on the explorer Amerigo Vespucci but im not finding much info.. can someone help me!!!?

Thanks LovleyLeeAnne

Answer #1

he is a italian explorer working under the spaniards…yes america was named after him…

Answer #2

Listen to act 2 of this episode of This American Life. It’s a great story with a lot of little known facts about Vespucci. You’ll enjoy it.


Answer #3

well drunkonmykiss I tried but nothing really comes up.. the things I have to put in report are not writen in the files on google..

Answer #4

America was named after him. He was the first person to make a map of America. He used like pieces of wood, I guess. And someone else found it and decided to name America after him, but they changed it from Amerigo to America because it sounded more white. I forget that guy’s name,though. I learned this in 8th grade so I can’t really remember. AHA

Answer #5

america was named after him b/c unlike columbus he made it straight to the coastline. google it.

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