Who thinks this girl is in to me?

This girl in one of my classes Is always looking at mee & when I would look at her.. She would look away Thenn I would ctach her looking at me again… Threw out the class it would be this going on And I would talk to her from time to time.. And everytime I would talk to her.. She would smile.. And touch me in some way.. Like arm or my packbag… Am not sure from all this if she in too me… Its veryy confussing.. And I really need some help… Thanks tina

Answer #1

Well you can see from what shes doing that shes into you but dont snap the trap yet cause she might be just sending you mixed signals like one girl did to me. Well since shes comfortable around you and is touching you, it wouldent hurt to ask her out

Answer #2

thanks You guys am just very confeussed and you guys are givvin me hopee! plases more adicve! I love readin themm

Answer #3

Well from what I can tell yes she is. But I would approch it carefully, do the same back to her and give some cold hard hints like, “ wow your amazing” or “you look so pretty today” ect. Look at how she really reacts to your flirting back. Does she smile, or does she look away and change subjects? Good luck!

Answer #4

omg she definatly likes you caus ethats what most girls do when they like someone I think you should ask her out

Answer #5

why not ask her out and find out. actually just ask her out to be left with a what if scenario

Answer #6

yes she is into you by that way you discribed all that she has to be! xxx

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