who should I go with so confused

I just broke up with a guy last month and I really liked him he was nice to me.then we went on a date and he saw some friends and he said that we werent going out and we were just frinds and he totally ignored me.Then I got asked out by my ex who cheated on me with 2 girls I said no. Then there is my best friend we dated before and we flirt and fool around. but I still like guy #1 and I want to date because I think I over reacted when he told his friends we werent together . so who should I choose the guy who ignored me or the guy who cheated on me or my best friend that I feel the most confurtable with and like to lead on?? cant decide

Answer #1

doesnt sound too good… Well lets see, guy # 1. said you guys werent together, he ignored you, he could do it again, it hurt you that bad, then hes cut :). Guy #2 your ex?? you guys broke up for a reason. everyone gets 1 chance… hes cut. Guy #3 yaa best friend? HE sounds like a good guy. if I was in your position. i would chose him…

Answer #2

I really think you should go with your BFF. I mean those other 2 just seem like jerks. You shouldn’t ever give a guy a who cheated on you a second chance because he’ll most likely do it again. Guy number two just seemed kinda out there. If you feel more comftorble with your BFF then you should go with him. Just make sure that if you ever break up with your BFF (saying that you do go out with him) make sure that you guy’s remain friends.

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