Who should I be with?

Ok, I am 16. My boyfriend left me about a month ago and I was really heart broken. People tell me I should just move on because he now has another girlfriend. Its hard but I really want to move on. And I know a few people that like me but an obstacle comes with the package on all of them. This one boy is one year younger than me but he is really sweet and protective but he is muslim and I am catholic. That doesnt really matter to me but it does to our dads. And also I dont really like him like that. Just as a friend. This other boy is really funny and nice and he obviously flirts with me. And I can see myself with him but he is dating this friend of mine and I dont want to do anything that could hurt her like that. This other boy who is dating this other girl who dates many boys likes me. He is nice romantic. But he is a total flirt and if I date him after he leaves his current girlfriend, I will be known as a boyfriend stealer because the girl is a total gossip and spreads rumors. So I have no idea what to do. Please help me? Thank you so much

Answer #1

I think if your not ready to move on thats your choice dont listen to everybody else cus thats stupid you have all the time you want to ya earlier the better but you can have all the time you want! I dont think you should do anything becase

  1. you dont like him
  2. he has a girl
  3. he has a girl 4.YOUR not ready

put yourself first obviously your not ready for another relationship so just wait and look and lay back and chill with your friends you dont always need a boy 24/7

Answer #2

Sound like you need to leave all of them alone. =[

Answer #3

d) None of the above

Answer #4

never let anyone make u feel like u have to move on and date again….that’s ur decision. If it’s still hard for u 2 move on don’t worry about it….u’ll be ready eventually. And don’t worry about who u should date….i agree wit ginaxxx u should leave all those boys that like u alone cuz either way u go u’d have more trouble than it’s worth. The right guy will come along…..when ur ready.

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