Who shall I put in my locket?

I had a new locket for my birthday & I love it.. I already have a locket with my family in it.. So I dont know who to put in this one.. Any ideas? Im 13

Answer #1

some one close to you. maybe a pic of your boyfriend if you have one, your bestfriend, close mates or a pet?

Answer #2

put in a pic of whoever gavee it to youu. if you dont want to then a bestfriend/boyfriend, or someone close to youu who diedd .

Answer #3

A pic of you an your best friend. Or you an your dog. Maybe a pic of a loved one that pasted away.

Answer #4

put in a pic of whoever gavee it to youu. if you dont want to then a bestfriend/boyfriend, or someone close to youu who diedd .

Answer #5

Your boyfriend if you have one. or if not, your best friend, or you with your best friend.

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