Who's the stronger sex?

Do you recon it’s better to be MALE?

                                       or FEMALE?
Answer #1

im a female but I think it would be better to be male cause male people dont have to get pregnant

Answer #2

im a female but I think it would be better to be male cause male people dont have to get pregnant

Answer #3

I think both men and women are equally strong just in different categorys

Answer #4

50/50 girls suffer more, and we get preg. and guys have standards to live up to and are lying players lol

Answer #5

I would have to say female because yu can dress up like a guy and it wouldn’t be a problem…and girls can do whatever they really want with themselves. But it’s hard being a girl. One of my favorite quotes is: ‘’Girls can do anything guys can do but guys can’t do anything girls can do=)’’

Answer #6

…depends on what you mean by ‘stronger’

Answer #7

I think female.

Answer #8


Answer #9

Female (:

Answer #10

FEMALE =). Males are just typically said to be stronger because of six packs etc….but women are strong and capable. Men actually have stronger stomachs. But women have stronger biceps.xx-x..luvvvvvvvvv =))

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