Who's good with poems that can help me write mines?

A had to do a poem which was to pick a emotion and I pick happy then I had to pick a color and I picked red. So this is my first line. Happy feels like red.

Why do happiness feels red? I have to include all the senses and explain why so this is how its suppose to be.

Happy tastes like … Happy sounds like… Happy sees like… Happy smells like… and explain why for each can someone help me thats good with poems

Answer #1

Not to be mean, but shouldn’t you be doing your own work???

Answer #2

dude do your own homework, haha..

Happy tastes like a cherry Popsicle on a hot summer day! Happy sounds like your favorite band rocking out on stage! Happy sees like a red robin flying down from a tree to gather food! Happy smells like a red apple candle shining brightly as the night goes on!

hahah I know there gay. but whatever.

Answer #3

The last strawberry of the harvest juicy on my toungue. The echo of the auburn leaves as they crumble beneath my footsteps The candle on the window ledge with the wick that was never lit The rose that didn’t make the bunch that lies within its scent.

Answer #4

Happiness feels like waking up on a Red sunrise morning, in bed next to the one you love lying next you. Happiness tastes like Red cherry candy dancing on your tongue. Happiness sounds like laughter at a primary school when the children go out to play. Happiness sees like a couple sitting in the park on a autumn day with hundreds of red leaves freely floating all around them. Happiness smells like a million Red roses at a spring wedding, joining two soul mates forever.

  1. Happiness, Feels: A beautiful morning would make anyone happy especially if you wake up to your partner sleeping next to you. It’s a wonderful way to start the day. . . Other that having breakfast. I makes me feel happy.
  2. Happiness, tastes: Red candy is beautiful too and the sugar content makes people feel very happy and have a “sugar rush”. That to me is happiness.
  3. Happiness, sounds: I remember when I was in Primary school the best part about not being home was play time and lunch time. I remember it was full of laughter and other kids talking. Which to me is the sound of happiness.
  4. Happiness, sees: It’s very romantic to see a couple who are in love taking time to sit in a park. It makes people feel happy to see the love in there eyes are in there body to see the little movements she makes and how he accommodates her body to hers.
  5. Happiness, smells: A wedding is a time of happiness which was perfect. The smell of roses is beautiful and makes any woman feel happy. Roses are perfect and to have two soul-mates being joined makes anyone happy.
Answer #5

agreed with johnboy shouldn’t you being doing your own work

btw very well done charelin_jess

a word of advice start typing in proper English, perhaps that will give you a better chance at hiring your grade but that’s just my assumption

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