Who regerts what he/she do or say?

Okay I had promised not to talk to my cousins (men) then I end up talking to them and I end up regretting it lol..if I do something that wasn’t necessary and front of my family, friends or relatives I end up regretting it.. Anyone? Has things you say mostly everyday make you regret them soon or later?

Answer #1

I don’t know why I end up regretting things…I have a short temper and leads to disaster.. or even a diminutive thing well make me linger…

Answer #2

Honestly I dont regret most things. I cant change the past, so what’s the point in holding on to what I should/could/would have done differently? How is that helpful? And what am I getting out of it?

Answer #3

Well yes, anger is a whole different subject. People who have issues managing their anger often do things they regret. Perhaps a reason to work on that? As for the small things, I dont know, ask yourself this. Is there anything you can do about it now. If not, how helpful is it to continue to hold on to it. If there is something you can do about it now, would it be more helpful or harmful. If it’s helpful (like an apology) go for it. If it would be harmful, then you probably shouldnt do it, and how helpful is it to hold on to.

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