Who is wrong me or my "bestfriend"?

A couple weeks ago, the day after valentines, I spent the night at my bestfriends house. Theres this girl who used to be bestfriends with my current bestfriend and she really doesn’t like me because I “stole her bestfriend” but I see it as, if someone doesn’t wanna hang around you, there not going to. And my bestfriend talks so much dirt about this girl. Shes “dramatic, annoying, extremly rude, fake, trampish ect.” anyways, since it was on a sunday that I spent the night we had school the next day. When I was getting ready for school my pants ripped. I asked her some of hers because I wasn’t about to dare call my mom and ask her to bring me some one because it was he first day on a new promotion and she had to be there at 8:30 and she works almost an hour away and it was 7:40. Two because I would be in so much trouble. So I tried on hers- they were way to short. So I called my mom and got yelled at like no other. She agreed to bring me pants though. School doesn’t start till 8:30 and my bestfriend lives two minutes away from school. She came in the room ten minutes later and said were leaving, can your mom take you to school? Then proceeded to call me selfish because I woke her dad up from my crying. They left and my mom showed up at 7:50 and I got in the car bawling. I got my phone tooken away, grounded for three weeks(including church so you know she was mad), I walked into school with my makeup all messed up and I cried till third period and worst- I got my mom demoted from her new position!!! And now my bestfriend hasn’t talked to me in a month tomorrow. She also went up to the first guys that I liked and spread stuff about me. And worst, shes hanging around the girl she used to talk trash about. Her birthdays this week and we planned on making a big trip to colordado. What do I do? Am I in the wrong or is she? Overall, how do I handal the situation?

Answer #1

I’m sorry that you’ve had such a hard time Rebecca, that must be really hard.

First of all, you did not get your mother demoted. Circumstances called for certain arrangements and that is certainly no one’s fault. I am glad you did not walk out in those short pants.

Your ex-best friend also doesn’t seem to be very kind. If she can ‘trash talk’ the other girl, then she can ‘trash talk’ you too. The way that she speaks of people she used to be close to can very much reflect how she is. Find friends that will accept you for who you are, who are not drawn to power and manipulation.

You said that you went to church? I assume you are a Christian then? Why don’t you try putting the beliefs in place by praying? Everything is under His control and things are going to turn out alright. Perhaps your mother wasn’t meant to have the promotion right at that time? Maybe it will come later.

Concerning the trip to colorado, maybe send her a note to wish her a happy birthday and say if she is up for it still, you are too, but if she’s not, not to worry about it. Do not expect it and please, do try and make new friends.

You will survive this and will come out stronger. The key is not to harbor bitterness - which is one of the greatest challenges in life (in my opinion), to love no matter what, but refuse to give in to manipulation or slander.

In the long run, you will earn respect and good friends. You become the kind of people you hang out with, as they always say - but it’s very true.

Take care, and I am confident that things will get better in time.


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