Who is the hottist nick or zack

Who do you think is the hottiest between these 2 boys nick jonas or zack effron

Answer #1

shouldn’t the question be who’s hotter; David archuleta, or David archuleta???!!!…zach.

Answer #2

Zack has his moments, and which one is Nick, lol. I think they’re even

Answer #3

Is this a trick question? Nick is totally SEXY! I dont know what is wrong w/ the rest of you guyz! Zach is so gay, he wears more makeup than a clown! Oh and did I mention that Nick is totally SEXY!?

Answer #4

NICK is fine an Zac isnt all that I LOVE NICK

Answer #5

Zac Efron obviously Nick is just cute Zac is HOT

Answer #6

Zac. No question about it.

Answer #7

it’s Zac. and deffintally NICK JONAS!!

Answer #8

none theyre both fugly

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