Who is my truelove?

I dont know what to do or say anymore I am in love with a guy and he does not love me I am 18 years old I have waited on him for 6 months I am with a good guy now who loves me but my heart is with my ex fiance what do I do and dont say move on because thats easier said then done…

Answer #1

Agreed with forever29. Pining away for lost/unattainable.unrequited love seems romantic when presented in your typical Hollywood rom-com, and lord knows we’ve all been fed the fiction that if you persevere with pluck and determination, you’ll get your heart’s desire in the end, but here in reality land, being so desperately hung up on another person to the point where it’s interfering with your own happiness is not healthy. ‘’Moving on’’ is only part of the solution. You need to really start moving your own independence forward to make sure you aren’t put in this position again where your entire sense of purpose is defined by who you’re dating.

Answer #2

Neither, the guy who doesnt love is not coming back, but its also not fair to date a guy who is giving you his all while your not completely there. End it with both and get yourself in a more emotionally stable situation.

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