Who is little wayne

Who the hell is little wanye hes all over this website.what song does he sing I’ve never heard of him

Answer #1

What are you, a joke? Use this tool called “google” and put in Little Wayne. Or if you aren’t oblivious of his real stage name…Lil Wayne or Weezy. When the results come up, use wikipedia. Now, how hard was that?

Answer #2

He’s a famous rapper. o.o

Answer #3

I dont like him or his songs they r crap

Answer #4

he sings lollipop, he is sooo hot! he’s the best rapper ever!!!

Answer #5

no. I guess hes only famous in the states .oh well I hate rap anyways

Answer #6

he’s a rapper and he sings many songs…have you ever heard lollypop?

Answer #7

never heard of him!

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