who is better

Jonas brothers or Paramore or Panic at the disco!

Answer #1


Answer #2

I can’t choose between Panic at the Disco and Paramore! But you really shouldn’t have put the “Jonas Brothers” in with them. How could you compare them to the other two. One more thing, why did you put this question in gaming and games instead of music?

Answer #3

jonas=suck paramore=1good song, still sucks panic at the disco=never heard of them, so they must suck a lot go listen to some real music people!

Answer #4

Paramore :)!

Answer #5

Shitty bands <__< none of them are better than eachother kthxbi

Answer #6

Not a great fan of any of them…

But I’d have to go with Paramore. Panic is okay. And I despise the joebros.

Answer #7

omg I cant believe your making people choose. hahaha its not fair to just single one of those amazingly talented bands but if I had to pick it would be the jo-bros because they have the originality of motley crue..mixed with the passion/emotion of twisted sister, and of couse the authenticity of zz-top.

Answer #8

Yeesh its hard to choose those bands are quite..bad.. no offense…but I guess I will have to say paramore is better /:

Answer #9

Panic at the disco. Paramore is sorta typical. Jobros are just any boy band. Atleast Panic brought out songs to move to

Answer #10

I didn’t choose Paramore cause they’re my favorite band,I chose them because they’re music is off the wall awesome;while the Jonas Bros,to me,is just a group of boys singing about the usual stuff. I’m pretty sure people want something new and to me honestly,Paramore is the new stuff.

Answer #11


Crazy thing is,back in 10th grade,a lot of girls had a grip of Jonas Bros gear,but this year,there isn’t an inch of them at school.

Answer #12

panic by a mile. used to like paramore but I got tired of it. who the hell are the jonas brothers?

Answer #13

jonas bro

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