Who has seen Avatar?

I heard Avatar was an amazing movie, but that was from a guy who likes a bunch of…well…less than great movies. So to those who have seen it, what did you think? Was it worth the time to watch?

Answer #1

I really like that movie!! I wouldn’t say loved it, but it still was a really good film. Lol I went to see it with my at the time boyfriend :P

Answer #2

I didn’t LOVE the storyline, but the actual visuals were really, really cool. It was one of those movies where you come out all energized and you really want to do a bungee jump or run a marathon! haha, But yeah it was really cool. I wouldn’t pay to buy it on dvd though.

Answer #3

Please take note that so far, the two people that said they enjoyed the movie said they enjoyed the visuals (and, oddly, the ‘’sound effects’’). It comes down to whether this is enough to make a movie enjoyable for you, because yes, the effects are well-done.

Answer #4

long and dull. The blue people just made the movie.. awkward. lacked story but if your a person who loves amazing visuals then this is it

Answer #5

Well I loved the movie. The sound effects, the visuals, and all put together :) really I guess it depends on you. But in my point of view, it is a movie worth seeing ;)

Answer #6

I’m trying to forget it. Looking at amazing visuals while suffering through a god-awful storyline and made-for-tv acting is like watching fireworks while someone craps in your mouth. If you do watch it, do so with the sound off; you’ll only have wasted your time and not sullied your brain to boot.

Answer #7


Alice in Wonderland 3Dbmade Avatar look like the Flinestones.

Answer #8

I watched it and loved it

Answer #9

walle was much better

Answer #10

its plot is neither original or inventive and the look of it is halved when not in 3d

Answer #11

For me personally I actually really loved the movie, watching it in 3D was incredible. Now I own it on bluray.

Answer #12

i saw the beginning but i did not like it at all…it’s not my kind of movie….well we all have our own opinions on movies but tht is mine!! :)

Answer #13

All the animals in the movie “Avatar” where not CGI, they where on loan from Chuck Norris’ petting zoo.

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