Who Has Listened To Define The Great Line By Underoath?

this album is awesome but it has a great story within the lyrics and the pictues in the album..theres two storys…its christian story…the gist is one man chooses the path of god one forsakes it then the man who forsakes god kills the man who embraced him then the man who embraced him goes to heaven and the one who forsaked god is just lost doomed to hell

Answer #1

I dont know about that…really they were heavier with dallas but they werent as unique as a deathcore/metalcore band…they sound more unique now with spencer chanberlin…despite the heavyness(that probly contributed to auron singer more…and playin drums at the same time…he kinda sucks live he’s off timw a lot I guess live

Answer #2

Ska AND metalcore?! …I like your music taste, my friend. :) Ha Yeah dude, it’s awesome. Nothing personal against Underoath, but it’s a total redemption from “They’re Only Chasing Safety.” Gotta agree with shinigami though, “Cries Of The Past” (and “Act Of Depression”) is sweeet! I also like “The Changing Of Times.” “Cries Of The Past” will always be the best though, in my opinion.

Answer #3

Underoath are amazing.

Answer #4

Anyone who hasnt is missing out on a good cd, Although Underoaths first cd Cries of the Past was a 100x better of an album imo

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