Who can tell me about everything of sex?

Well, I’m growingg up. And, my mom doesn’t talk to me much about sex, except she only tells me “not to have sex”. And I really didn’t know what went down there, didn’t know orgasms where, I kinda found out by myself.. I’m learning more and more, like I said” by myself.. experimenting. But I just wanna know everything?. Why it happens and why, you know?. Pleasee help. No mean comments, please (: Thank you! <3.

Answer #1

I dont know everything about it bt heres some stuff.. when you moan during sex guys likes it orgasms are hard for girls to get anul sex is goood to its where his dick goes in to your butthole

if you wantto know more just funmail me:) hope this helps:)

Answer #2

first of all ur mom is supposed to tell u this wen ur at least 10 i was told wen i waz 8…..if u really need to know why dont u ask someone else my mom waz freaked out to tell me and so waz my dad so they had my auntie tell me…..ask a friend its simple.

Answer #3

well best place to start is read a book for women on puberty. it’ll tell you a lot about ur body and sex, and female issues and a little bit about guys too. you mom is right and the longer you wait the better sex will be. best is if you wait till marriage cuz then you will trust ur sex partner more and will be ready for sex and wont have to worry about pregnancy and such. you will be really proud of urself for knowing that you have a lot of self control. and think about it, we are human beings, which are civilized animals, better than any other known animals on earth. other animals dont get married so it doesnt matter when they have sex. but we are smarter and we have the ability to think critically so it does matter when we have sex and since most of us chose to get married, it’s best if we wait till then.

marriage is a voluntary union of two people. u marry someone so you have someone u trust to have sex with, someone who will be there to share ur sorrows and happiness, someone who will be there to support u and be there for u whenever and as much as they can. someone who will help u raise ur kids. so isn’t that the kind of person you would rather have sex with? there is more to sex thant u think. it comes with a lot of emotions and such that can be hard to deal with and being with husband or wife makes it a whole lot better. and your virgnity is the best gift u can give to ur husband :)

now if you have sex before marriage, someone might lie to u and pretend to love u just for sex and they might give u sexually transmitted diseases (do some research on these) and might not use proper protection. but only someone who truely loves u will wait till marriage (so whoever is willing to wait till you two get married, or does not pressure u into having sex is the one who truely respects you and loves u). but dont get married soon just so u have sex. marriage comes with so many other challenges and responsibilties.

now sex can be really pleasurable if it’s with someone u love and truly care about. during first sex, most girls bleed a little bit but not all.

everyone in the world is different! so not all guys like it when girls moan. orgasms are not hard for all girls… but they can be difficult if a girl is stessed out so just relax and enjoy, you get it. what’s more important than orgasm is that you are with someone u love.

Anal sex is NOOOT good i hate to say. dont even think about it unless ur are 110% sure u want it and you are really very experienced in sex. anal sex is dangerous. anus has muscles that contract and relax when someone poops. anal sex can damage those muscles and u might end up wearing dippers/pampers for the rest of ur life. and it HURTS A LOOOOOT!!! cuz it does not create a lot of lubrication. u might end up at the doctors clinic after anal and that would be really embarasing.

watch videos of Dan and Jennifer on youtube. they are a couple that give really good advice on sex, dating, love and relationship and so on:

[link removed]

if you have more questions email me… and dont ever learn about sex from movies, and porn videos cuz they are plain unrealistic and mostly not even close to what sex is like. don’t learn about sex from friends. go to a trusted and experienced adult like a councellor or a teacher or dad, if mom does not answer ur quesitons. Dont have sex cuz everyone else is doing it. dont have sex under pressure or peer pressure. having sex has nothign to do with being cool. cool is u respecting ur personality and ur moral values and yourself. cool is someone who is nice and helpful to everyone and a role model and someone who everyone looks up to.

i am 18 and just graduated from highschool and if you haven’t been to highschool, there is a lot of sex and dating drama u might deal with. ignore others when they pressure u into dating or sex, u are unique and special and can think for yourself and understand that everyone grows at their own pace and just cuz someone for sex, doesnt mean u have to be too.

a common myth: you need to date lots of people to find ur true love. fact: you don’t find love, love finds you so dont ever stress out about it

cheers!!! hope i helped

Answer #4

they removed my link but type DanandJenn in youtube search and u’ll find their channel :)

Answer #5

Ask and i’ll do my best to give you an answer k

Answer #6

ok well sex happens because it’s how we reproduce. and i never had it but i’ve heard it’s enjoyable

Answer #7

love sex

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