Who am I??? Or who should I be?

I hate being me…people always make fun of me. I am thid go green veggie type of gal, I tried being this country fun loveing gal, didn’t like it. Now I’m going for almost goth I wanna start dressing in black and all that good crap, but I’m sick of being me, I don’t like it, can any one at all help me, (if ya arn’t going to be nice don T answer all all please) I just don’t no who I am, any help on who or what I should be or really am? I am so unsure of it all …grrr please help me!

Answer #1

you think you’re going to like pretending to be something you’re not? seriously? I can understand that you dont like yourself, it’s hard to like yourself when people are being mean about certain things, but those idiots wont follow you around the rest of your life… you, however, are kinda stuck with yourself till you die… you are who you are, there are certain things you like, certain things you dont, and there’s nothing wrong with that, as long as you arent hurting yourself or anyone else, who cares… do what you want to do… dont be something else for the sake of people who wont be around in a few years and dont matter anyways… it isnt worth losing yourself for other people… as for fads and stereotypes, they’re stupid… all of them… if you like vegetables, eat vegetables, if you like wearing black, wear black, and funnily enough, it is possible to eat vegetables, support the environment, and wear black all at once… (think about it, school ends at some point… and cliques dont really work in the real world)

Answer #2

Being a teenager is all about discovering who you are. No one is completely sure of theirselves. Be true to yourself, don’t change the way you are because of other people. You are happiest when you are yourself. For example, I don’t consider myself to be in one ‘group.’ I’m just me. And that’s the best way to be; yourself. :)

Answer #3

well I have 2 more days of school left! and it feels like 4 EVER!!!:( I don’t know but I just dont wanna go 2 school I just dont feel like it!!!

Answer #4

Learn to love yourself for who you are hun. Search for it, deep down.

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