Do you see who I am?

I use to think I knew who I was ,but all I was -was un happy. I thought I changed 4 the better but I was misleaded. I thought I found my love, my life,but now im not so sure? I bet I should of thought twice, but the chance wont come once more. I now know who iam not ,but do you see who I am ?

Answer #1

If you’re trying to find yourself, look in the mirror - figuretively and literally - if you want to know where you are - there you are !!…Take care !!

Answer #2

Yeah I get what you mean , I was picked on and stuff so I moved school and just changed everything about me its like I get the people mixed up like my home person or my school person

Answer #3

well, I hope you changed who you were because you were unhappy with yourself, and not because other people didn’t like who you were. Remember, you don’t need other people’s aproval, the people who like you just the way you are already aprove of you. I don’t think that made sence, haha. Oh well. I agree with amblessed, look in the mirror. It took a really long time for me to figure out who I was because I cared too much what other people thought but once I stopped caring what other people thought I figured out who I was. And I love the me I am today. Haha, I hope this helped because all it did was confuse me.

Answer #4

um be urself you will find love someday, and your live could be happy, I think that you need to get out more!

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