Who to choose?

im going out with this guy and weve been dating 4 bout a month well todaythis guy I’ve liked almost all year told me he liked me!!! but he wants me 2break up with my boyfriend 4 him but I can choose between them I like them both a lot and im soo lost in this situation please help me what should I do???

Answer #1

well…just tell the one that you like that your with someone now and that if it doesn’t work out between you two then you will give him a call…he should respect you for that or he isn’t worth your time anyways…it should let him know that when you two finally do date or if you do then he wouldn’t have to worry about you breaking up with him for some other dude.

Answer #2

Do what your heart tells you, but make sure it’s the right decisson. I go by this saying “Never leave the one you love for the one you like because one day the one you like will leave you for the one they love.” It’s so true, so just listen to what your heart tells you, but think hard about it.

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