White Girl

ugh I started school yesterday and im the only white girl there and I havnt made no friends and its wierd and like all the guys just stare ans stare like if they never seen a white girl before I don’t know and all the gurls just make faces at me like if im the ugliest thing they seen and today one girl came up to me and said wtf you doing here you need to take your white aass somewhere else I got up and said you can take your dirty aass over there were you belong and she lookes at me and walked away like wtf did I do I dont now anyone and now ima have alota problems and ugh it really sucks but anyways im really shy and dont know how to meet new people so how should I meet someone??

Answer #1


I go to a schoool where 75% of all students are asian, and all dese people give me da looks, as if they’re gonna eat me

Answer #2

there all just haterz! there gna b there no matter what school you go 2..and the guyz are probly staring kuz they think your pretty lol..bt just smile to everyone.when your in class juss ask your neighbor bout h.m or smthn to start a conversation..it was only the 1st day..eventually it will get better..

Answer #3

geez..that sux..I would try to see if there was another school to go to..or home school or some other option..not that I have a problem with the school but I can see a lot of trouble that could happen..

Answer #4

gua all I have to say is im white and all I hang wit is black people and their are more white people at my school…but I think you should try talkin to a very sexi black man when everyone sees you wit him they think hey who is she maybe we should talk to her well thats what I did but I have a big a** and a great aditude everyone call the black so try what I did and it should all work but if I didnt help tell me and ill try somethin different

Answer #5

dont worry, asians aren’t carnivores. at least I’m not… yet. but thats besides the point.

if you’re looking the make friends the best way is just be chill about it. go to places where you like to be and hang out there doing what you like to do. soon, youll start seeing people with similar hobbies and habits. if you’re looking for friends just off the bat with no similarities, try a classroom or cafe setting and ask around, say hi, or just complain about something (usually works, no guarentees). but honestly, most people are probably just like you, they’re looking for friends but are shy about it-hence the staring. or maybe you’re just a gorgeous thing they wanna eat like andi3 says.

follow up with me, I’m interested as to how it goes. good luck!!

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