Which guy to go with?

which way should you go if you love two people should you go whith the one whos popular and has a hot car but he is controling and doesnt do any thing you want? or should you go with the neardy guy who lets you do what ever you want and buys you stuff?

Answer #1

In my mind, I’d opt to stay single, for many of the reasons xxthatgirl has stated.

It’s more important to be with someone you care about, who cares about you, that you have something in common with, and is prepared to communicate with you. You can’t have a good relationship without mutual respect and communication.

Answer #2

I don’t think either realationship would work out for long.

Here’s how I see it.

  1. You choose the controlling one. He becomes more and more controlling and eventually one of you two breaks off the relationship. Or you end up getting hurt.

  2. You choose the nerdy guy. He lets you do what you want and buys you things. In the end one of you will get bored with the relationship and ends it. It maybe a fun choice, but for how long, really?

This is just my opinion. I could be totally wrong.

But if you really want to choose between these two guys, follow your heart. It’s the best thing to do in situations like this.

Answer #3

Or with both, or just with the second one.

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