which is better

ok which would be better? tongue or nose piercing?

Answer #1

tounge.. its hott.

Answer #2

tongue hands down

Answer #3

I personally love both. tongue didn’t hurt really at all just swelled for a few days nose was just hard to get used to cause I have a ring and on average I usually touch my nose at some point in the day espeically when you get a cold it’s annoying. nose piercings are also more accepted like with a tongue ring you are going to have to deal with a lot of judgement on your sex life.

Answer #4

Definatly nose.Because you can eat with your nose piearced,plus if you get like a little silver/white stone it looks really classy,elegant&pretty.. because thats what my aunt got and it looks sexyy.

Answer #5

Nose..Safer from infection and looks better too

Answer #6

Nose. It’s cute and classy.

Answer #7

nose :)

Answer #8

Personally I have both done… Just have to be careful of witch ever one you get… With a tounge piercing it really dosent hurt trust me on this one if you ever tried sticking a sharp needle through a piece of fabric thats how fast they pierce your tounge and its so quick you wont even feel any pain but the problem afterwards if that you cant really eat solid foods and your tounge will swell up and you will have to gargle sea salt in your mouth and once the swelling goes down you will have to switch barbells to a shorter one cause once you get your tounge pierced they give you a long barbell so your tounge doesn’t swell over and wont have to go to the hospital to have it removed and then you might have a lisp for a few days but that goes away…and there is a MAJOR difference between the long barbell and short barbell which is WAY more comfortable its really not all that bad : )

With a nose ring I have heard people say that its hurts and im not going to lie it is quite uncomfortable well in my case anyways not painful just uncomfortable …But you do want to be careful of it like make sure you don’t touch it while its in the healing process cause you could be carrying bacteria to it…and you have to be careful putting your shirts on like making sure the fabric doesn’t rub up against it and pull it witch can hurt but personally I think both are good looking :) …and with a nose piercing they close up really quick you cant have it out for too long cause they can close up in like 20 minutes or so like that quick…and A tounge ring Im not sure about this one cause I had this one for awhile since I was 15 and I can usually leave this one out for like an hour… but whatever you do TRY NOT TO PLAY WITH IT IN THE HEALING PROCESS just some advise from me to you but whatever your decision is think about as if you had a job would they allow it or will it abuse the dress code ?? or this one is going to sound silly but…do you like to drink alcohol of any sort ?? cause your going to have to wait awhile on that if you get your tounge done thats why im friend decided not to college kids will be college kids hahaha :) anyways I hope this was helpful too you :)

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