Which church is closest to Greek Orthodox beliefs?

There is no Greek Orthodox church anywhere around my home. What church would be the closest to my Greek Orthodox beliefs?

Answer #1

Over the years I attended a Catholic service and A Lutheran church and a greek orthodix. . . The Cathlic And Orthodox are branches off the same church at opposite ends of the stick while lutheran is a direct break off of the Catholic church. Having attended all three I promice I speak from experiance.

Answer #2

I hate to tell you this but Catholic and Orthodox are not at all close. . . Lutherin would be closer but I suggest checking out several different churches and making your own mind up.

Answer #3


I would think that any Eastern Orthodox Church would hold similar beliefs. If you had an old church, you could ask someone there.

Answer #4

it doesn’t matter if its greek or not…. orthodox is orthodox… thats what the preist at my orthodoz church told me anyways…

Answer #5

None. If you want greek belifs try Pagan sweety.

Answer #7

well islam is the right religion ignore churches

Answer #8

Since your question was posted over a year ago, you’ve probably found a solution. Still, having read through the various suggestions, I’d like to offer some points.

Basically, you do have a problem if there are no Orthodox-anything churches nearby. The Greek Orthodox, and the Russian, Cyprus, Romanian Orthodox and various other ‘geographical’ branches, are all part of the same main grouping of Christianity that broke with the Church of Rome in AD 1054 (well before Martin Luther). That means that all other Christian churches today are quite distinct from the Orthodox group.

You might expect that the Roman Catholic Church would be closest, since the various Protestant denominations developed long after the Constantinople/Rome split. An important original point of dissension concerned the Pope’s authority, as the Orthodox Church still holds that the first seven ecumenical councils form the basis for the faith and that the Pope has no authority to change any of their decisions or doctrines. (Like the filioque clause added in the 6th c. to the Nicene Creed: Orthodox hold that the Holy Spirit proceeds only from the Father, not from the Father and Son.) There are other differences in practice (Eucharist of both kinds/bread only; leavened/unleavened bread; veneration of icons, etc), but I’d say the main barrier is the bitterness that still exists between the two groupings. You might not be comfortable joining a Catholic congregation.

On the other hand, there are big differences between Orthodoxy and Protestantism. Most Protestants see the Eucharist as a symbol rather than the True Body and Blood of Christ, for instance. And the Protestant churches tend to believe in individual salvation through the Scriptures alone, whereas Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism also stress the teachings of the ecumenical councils (and Catholics, the rulings of the Pope). You might also find the services of some Protestant denominations too loosely structured – and how you feel about a liturgy or a service is important. Religious experience isn’t only dogma.

The Anglican (Episcopalian) Church might just be the answer. It has kept more of the shared Orthodox and Roman Catholic doctrines and practices (especially the High Church versions of Anglicanism), and – at least in churches using the traditional 1928 Book of Common Prayer– you find a sonorous formal liturgy often reminiscent of the Orthodox churches. That at least might make you feel more ‘at home’.

Answer #9

To rnealw:

Well, the reason why I said this is because they both (Catholic and Orthodox) still believe in the real presence. Lutherans do not. This becomes an important point of contention for those who do. From a theological standpoint, it is as I stated earlier, although the service itself might differ. Even the Anglicans (Episcopalians) believe in the real presence that is why I put Lutherans lowest on the list in relation to Greek orthodox.

  1. Greek Orthodox
  2. Eastern Orthodox
  3. Eastern Rite Catholics
  4. Latin rite Catholics
  5. Anglican/Episcopalian
  6. Lutheran …and then it just becomes less and less like Greek Orthodox in both the service itself and theologically
Answer #10

Hey, hey.. to all you Catholic-bashers above: couldn’t you read the question that was asked, and try to answer that?

As far as I can understand from the Funadvice rules, the whole point is to ask genuine questions, and do your best to provide genuine advice to those questions - not go off on tangents about your pet peeves, and especially not it your answer is offensive to other people.

Answer #11

Orthodoxy is orthodoxy, theologically speaking. Catholicism, Lutheranism, et al., have diverged from the teachings of the one true faith (ortho: right, true doxy: faith, belief). Find any Eastern Orthodox church and you will have found the closest to Greek Orthodox.

Answer #12

The Catholic Church is pretty close.

Answer #13

If there is no Eastern Orthodox near you, the next closest would be the Eastern Catholics, then the Latin Catholics, then it’s a toss up into either the Anglicans or the Lutherans

Answer #14

Catholic chrcuh is close. Then maybe epispocalin too because it is like catholicism.

Answer #15

You can go to any orthodox church around. armenian, russian.. doesn’t matter. Orthodox church is a sacramental church..so the language doesn’t really matter that much the tradition and spirit is the most important. and icons for sure.

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