Where should I masturbate?

Ok so unfortunately I share room with my sister whom I dont get along with…and I wanna masturbate every night but I dont want her to know or hear anything AT ALL. when, where, and how do I please myself??

P.S: no one in my family approves masturbation X(

Answer #1

let me know if that helped!! oh and if your shower head doesnt come down then you can let the bath tub run and put your pussy right underneith the running water, it feels amazing!! start off with warm water and as it starts feeling better turn it so that it is a little hotter and so on…

Answer #2

im in the same situation and what I did was I built a fort in my back yard and masturbated in there(I live outside of the city so I have a big yard) but if you dont/cant then like they said the shower workes best ;P

Answer #3

while you are taking a shower you could masturbate in there… and if you think they will hear you then have a radio in the bathroom and play it really loud while you are in the shower. that is what I would do if I were you.

Answer #4

Very common problem, and of course your family doesn’t approve. It is very normal to want to explore your sexuality, however, maybe try and keep yourself busy so you are not always thinking about it…lol

Answer #5

While on toilet, right before bed-time. If you have a vent fan, turn that on so if you make noise it’s covering up your noise’z.

Answer #6

Masturbation, this when you need to try, I think if you don’t have a boyfriend or sex partner words can borrow sex toys to achieve your happiness, this is also one of the masturbation you, it is safe, health, need not social responsibility, good and are private things. http://funadvice.com/r/159arsfaddq

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