Where should I look for a job ??

I’m not having the best luck with this whole job searching thing

I’m 15 years old and I live in Maryland (if that helps)

Please give me some suggestions on where to apply

Nothing like babysitting or mowing lawns

I’m more interested in a REAL job , it is possible !

Thanks in advance .

Answer #1

if would have like a mall or something near you, you can look around for openings in close stores and stuff, they usually have signs on the windows

Answer #2

I work at krogers, a grocery store, bagging. its decent first job. so try one near you. I don’t know what the age limit for working is where you are but you might be able to get one if you try hard enough. they key is just getting as many applications out there as possible. especially in this economy. you just got to be determined

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