Where should I have sex for the first time?

Like im a virgin and I want to have sex with my ex he still loves me and I love him to like we have dissscused this and he wants meand I want him we talk dirty to eachother. And are ready to have real sex but where should this all go down cant be at my house or his? I just dont know where we could do it ? Thankks

Answer #1

um do yu not no he’s just using you you guys dont go out no more how are yu gona have sex with someone thats not your boyfriend yu have to be in an realtionship then have sex

Answer #2

Your asking us if your ready to have sex?

Then no your not, when you have sex you have to be secure about it and your own hearts sais you are ready to do so.

Answer #3

if you both have the same friends, id go to one of your friends houses and have them leave :P thats what I did (:

Answer #4

do it in a feild or somin private its what most o my mates did

Answer #5

you idiot she’s asking where not if she’s ready!

Answer #6

im sorry i wood feel ike im 2nd to that guy he’s not worth it ..

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