Is this my period or am I pregnant?

Last night I had horrible cramps and back pains, expecting my period to start today which it is suppose to according to my birth control… well either today or tomorrow. But I thought it started today but I’ve had hardly any blood and barely any pain and usually the first day of my cycle is terrible pain and a heavy flow. So I’m just a little confused. Is this even my period? Another thing I might want to mention is that my boyfriend and I had sex the other day and it was while I was on the pills for the week of my period, I let him finish in me. Could that have anything to do with this? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

Answer #1

Whether the sex was in the sugar pills or not shouldn’t have any effect on the pill and how effective it is. However the pill isn’t COMPLETEY effective (it’s over 99% effective when taken properly (no late/miss pills etc)) so it is possible (but highly unlikely) that that you are pregnant especially if you took a pill late. If you are worried then take a home pregnancy test 2weeks after conception and this will give you a 90% accurate result if negitive and positive results are almost always correct. Or you could go to the doctors and have a blood test done 1weeks after conception which is more accurate. Hope this helps x

Answer #2

advice - go to the doc !

they’ll help you. xxo

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