where have you gone?

WHERE HAVE YOU GONE? oh no where have you gone? you left me you broke me now you can’t fix me I am not going to tell you the truth I have it revolves around you.

can you here me when I call can you catch me when I fall

I need you can’t you see I love you with mighty greed

no one comes when I call no ones there when I fall

you didn’t catch me you didn’t answer I knew this would happen

where have you gone the guy that I love I need him back here telling me he loves me dearly

I spend many hours putting my hair up into curls waiting to see the love that follows

where have you gone the guy that I love no what happened it is not my true love

this poem is dedicated to someone but I don’t know quite yet who its for. and I am also wondering… do you people like it? is it good or bad?

Answer #1

Your poetry really isn’t good…it’s kind of annoying watching you trying to get some sort of self esteem boost from putting your bad poetry on funadvice.

Answer #2

mhmm I no there opinions everyones entiteled to there opinions I understand that and I respect that completely but your saying just flat out rude things on all her poems and you keep saying you’ve won awards so its like your saying that yr better bcoz of it…srry but she’s a nice person and I dont like when people are mean fer no apparent reason..

Answer #3

It is a personal opinion, you may like her cheezy poems, but I have judged at poetry contests and I know some pretty good poems, and that isn’t…and yeah some people think they are good, but keep in mind they are just opinions!

Answer #4

I love it!!! <3333 :D is this just a hobby or do you want to write for a living??

Answer #5

Are you really that bored!!!

Answer #6

that was really good. screw whatever that f*cking person just said! that was good! that is not annoying!

Answer #7

DUDE! Stop hating on all her poems! Geez! Girl dont listen to haters you have good poems :)

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