Where ever this goes...

Kay so, just to start off since may began several things have happened

  • my boyfriend dumped me, and is dating my ex best friend
  • my family pick up everything an left.
  • my friends are being super b*tchy
  • my friends are causing waaay to much drama
  • I have no one to turn to, since no one will listen.

How can I pick up my life, and mend it back together without hurting myself more than I already am?

Answer #1

I agree completely with qcumbr1, there must have been things in the past that you said “I wish I had the time to do this…” and couldnt due to your family and relationship restrictions. Although your family isnt right there anymore, im sure you can still call and speak to them and even visit them, your communication should not have been cut off completely surely. Growing up and growing away from your family is just the way life is, they will always be there and the degree of your relationship depends on each family and how much effort you put into it, remember they aren’t gone forever, you will see and speak to tehm again. That guy sounds like a real jerk and you dont need him in your life. Its time for you to take up some new hobbies, concentrate on your career, make new friends, meet new people and work on becoming an independent and strong person. Hang in there, things will get better, promise, just focus on YOU now, you might never get the chance to again, so enjoy it while you have it, im sure u’ll have lots of new friends and a new great boyfriend again in no time! Goodluck and hang in there!

Answer #2

So, life is over ? Let’s see…the boyfriend dumped ya for your ex-best friend. That shows you the true jerk he is. Good thing he did this now instead of 10 years and 3 kids down the road. I don’t understand the family leaving part. Apparently you are of legal age to live on your own. You say life is over and in a way it is, but that’s your old life. You can now start a fresh new life, thinking only for yourself. Do things just for you. This is your chance to be selfish and get away with it. You have nobody you have to answer to, so you can do what you please. Your old life revolved around your ex and your family. Make a new life that revolves around YOU !

Answer #3

Start off new get some new friends move out on your own

Answer #4

Start off new get some new friends move out on your own

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