Where can I buy instruments online ?

So I want to buy some musical instruments online , but I don’t know any websites that sell any ,are there any good websites that sell them ?( please don’t tell me ebay , amazon , or overstock )

Answer #1

casio (sp?) im not sure if they are just a wisconsin thing or world wide, you might be able to order online, worth a shot! uhm there are tons just type in the instrument you want through google then some legit music sites might pop up just gotta look further than one page :)

Answer #2

Well, to tell you the truth… It depends on really where you live, what instruments, and quality that your looking for(so whether or not your looking to buy a really expensive beauty or just some basic stuff your going to go through in a year or two). But, really to tell you the truth dude. You should take the time out of your weekend or when ever to drive to a music store that sells this stuff that your looking for. Online you can’t hear the quality, the looks, and the vibe. When you buy an instrument its like true love, once you see it you know its the one. Trust me dude its worth putting the time in, versus buying some shitty Yamaha stuff of some sites..I myself play guitar and have chosen all three of my guitars and one piano by doing this and haven’t been dissapointed yet.

good luck bro, Jake

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