Where and when do I have sex?

So my Boyfriend and I have been dating for about 2 and a half years. he wants to have sex and I dont know if I should. I really want to but I dont know when and where! Help!

Answer #1

if you aren’t reslly sure then don’t do it or you’ll end up regretting it…

Answer #2

uhm im not trying to be rude or anything. it is totally your buisness but I dont think you should have sex because for one you dont seem like you love each other. You sent out two messages saying you want an online relationship with sex and stuff but now your saying you have a boyfriend that you dont know if you should have sex with him. I am a little confused… and even if you were really in love with him and this was a totally different situation if you have doubts it is probably safe to say that you are not 100% ready for the next step. I mean it takes everyone different amounts of time to be ready. I am glad you have a great guy that has waited over two years to have sex with you and I really hope he isnt cheating on you… but just please think about what I said … if you need more help fun mail me I am always up to helping even if I dont agree with what you are doing … ~kaitlyn~

Answer #3

Anytime and anyplace

Answer #4

ummm yea you posted a question to have an online dating thing. yea are you sure you love him or ready?

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