When will my site start getting traffic?

When will my site start getting traffic? I just signed up. I need at least 8000 visitors, especially unique visitors to my site a day.

Answer #1

This question is a good example of how detail matters. A lot :)

So, 800 unique visitors a day - if you’re starting, that’s a lot, if you have an established site, it’s more or less zero.

You just signed up for FunAdvice…which is clear from your profile. But, is there something else you signed up for that was supposed to drive traffic? If it was our traffic exchange, it takes traffic to get traffic…that’s how it works :) Eg, if you send 10 people through it, you’ll get 10 back. Pretty simple.

The question I always ask myself when I put a site together is…what makes it special? Am I solving a problem? If so, what is the problem I’m solving and who has that problem?

Usually, sites don’t exist in a vacuum…eg, there are many in your category, topic area, etc, perhaps even a professional organization. Try to get listed there (if there is a directory type thing) and study up on what people want from a site in your category. Make a checklist and overtime, add more stuff from the checklist to your site.

Answer #2

umm get a picture maybe…

Answer #3


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