When will it end?

This whole situation started about 2 weeks ago. He was sending me messages through my instant messaging. Everything was fine until he said he would hurt my girlfriend.

Answer #1

I need good advice and soon.. so me and my girlfriend have been going out for 2 months now and I have been recently receiving threatening messages to me and threatening to do things to my girl. I’m about to the point where I am gonna snap and I swear if he touches her ill kill him! I have no clue who this idiot is and he knows way to much about me. He also knows where my girlfriend lives and man… I just don’t want things to get out of hand. what do I do?!?!

Answer #2


Answer #3

get the police involved and do it qucik, I mean if you dont know this guy it could be anybody so you better act fast. tell your girlfriend too just incase she has any ideas but try not to scare her too much

Answer #4

ok so your gay, you met a bloke online, he fancies you (maybe), you dont fancy him (probably not) and now hes thrtening your partner… :S

do what Colleen said and call the old bill and bloody quick!1

you did save the messages didnt you?

Answer #5

See if it’s a friend playing around if not police

Answer #6

has he been delete from the IM?

Answer #7

no this is my sisters page. I dont have one so I used hers. and is that the only thing to do??

Answer #8

If you deem she is in danger, get a restraining order…call the Law if needed.

Answer #9

sorry I really dont know how to use this all that well..

Answer #10

Call the police - show them the messages.

Answer #11

So somebody is treating you??? Meaby a little more info whill help.

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