When will I get it right?

I need help. I am 5’10, 100 pounds, and there is still these places on my body that I cannot seeem to get the fat off. I am not sure what is wrong, I have not had my period in months, and I cannot seem to focus on the things that I am suppose to be learning in school. My boyfriend keeps telling me that I am so close to being his ideal girl… How do I finally get to be that person that he wants?

Please help me.

Answer #1

You sound like you are Anorexic. You need to get some professional help.

It is no wonder that you haven’t had a period in several months. YOU are destroying your body’s ability to cope with normal functions.

If you don’t get help, your body will become permanently harmed and you may even die, which is a very normal result of Anorexia.

  Anorexia Nervosa

Understanding the signs, symptoms, causes and treatment

http ://www.helpguide.org/mental/anorexia_signs_symptoms_causes_treatment.htm

(Links aren’t working properly in Answers, so simply copy the link and paste it in your browser’s address box. Delete the space after “http” and the link will work.)  

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Answer #2

you have an eating disorder, seek help

Answer #3

get rid of him and make yourself happy dont change for him because he will want you to stay that way forever you should be his ideal girl if he cares anything about you

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