When We are at the Movies...?

So in a couple days im going to the movies with this girl, and I want to know what sort of things would be appropriate on this date, which is our first (arm around the shoulders, holding hands, maybe a kiss) All help is appreciated :)

Answer #1

I would say for a first date hold hands for sure. Arm around the shoulder is okay as well, I personally find it annoying but many girls like it so definitely try it. If you guys have not kissed yet I wouldn’t suggest your first one be during the movie, maybe afterwards? Oh and btw I don’t know about that Hitch idea bc lots of girls are shy and want YOU to go that whole 100% but that’s just my 2 cents…

Answer #2

I would start with holding her hand. Lots of flirting and have fun is the most important. If she won’t hold hands you aren’t going to get a kiss. If she does then your on a good start. Girls give clues to how much they are into you. If you are trying to get a kiss first try playing with her hair, not messing it up like pulling it out of her face. If she doesn’t act weird then she is open for a kiss. Goodluck.

Answer #3

from a girl’s view huggin or arm around the shoulder is ok but if she shrugs like she uncomfortable then just hold hands its cute. if you both look at each other same time or eyes meet its cute to kiss like the movie HITCH you go 90% of the way into the kiss and if she wants to shell go 10% if not kiss her forehead. make it a fun date. dont forget to tell her she looks pretty at least once on the date. gaze or stare at her wit sweet eyes it will prob make her blush but its just so she know you paying attention to her only. dont be nervous. even though if you blush or tremble is cute (my boyfriend was absolutly cute when he shake when we hold hands and turn colors.)

hope this helps remember fun is key

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