when someone loves you

when I think about someone loving me I always think that I will be happy… but the truth is that even when I think that I am going to be happy it turns out that I am going to be sad. like even when you think that someone will never hurt you cause the swore that they wouldn’t well it isn’t always true. so when you think you are in true love you should be careful cause if you say something wrong or your boyfriend girlfriend or whatever says something wrong then it is done. there is no going back. so everyone that reads this I want to know… what do you expect to see if you think someone loves you? do you expect to be able to cry on their shoulder or them cry on urs? well you should tell me, cause I could use some serious types and I would love to hear (read) other peoples expectations on love. :)

Love Always, EMODANCER

Answer #1

I usedd to expect support and care and love and all that but now I dont know what to expect. its always somethin differant. you got to expect the unexxpected :(

Answer #2

love to me is the crying on the shoulder bit, however, I have a deeper way of looking at it: a person that can look into their lover’s eyes, and feel their emotions. cry with them when they are crying. feel the hurt that they feel. laugh when they laugh. keep them warm when their loved one is freezing. let them know they are there and will never leave. tell them, “I love you” each moment they are together. when not in person, still let them be aware of their prescence. it goes further than this, but you get the idea.

Answer #3

Ya know, (and it might seem like I am copying offspringfan08) That is almost exactly how I feel!

OK, yes I agree this is weird (to offspringfan08) TOO!

Answer #4

yes I do expect that… im not very pretty when I cry, so I hope he still cares for me after im done and I look like a monster, there not perfect, so you cant always assume that true love means youll always be happy because you wont, thats what comes along with being in luv with someone, the ups and downs the good and bad… its called unconditional luv… you can compare your luv to books and fanasty novels, but then your always gna be disapointed… luv is a hard thing… but it is also beautiful… bad and good.

Answer #5

I’m in the same boat ilh so much but he hurts me so bad

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