When should I stop gettin peircings..?

I have 10 pericings and im only 16, I want the tip of mii tounge peirced but I don’t know if thats 2 many… Should I stop or keep going..?

Answer #1

Well it depends where they are. If you have your whole face pierced then no I don’t think you need your tongue done, But if they are spaced out through your body then why not? lol.

Answer #2

I would have stopped about 9 ago. (But that’s just me) I think they’re kinda Fugly…but to each his own I guess.

Answer #3

I am 20 years old with 23 piercings and 5 tattoos. I work in an office building and nobody knows I have anything modified unless I want them too. My best advice would just be smart/cute about it. If you already have a lot in your face then move onto somewhere else, too many in one area of your body and you start to look kind of like a walking antenna. You can always trade them out too. You dont have to wear all of them all the time. I like switching it up because it keeps people guessing :)

Answer #4

thats trueee but dont get all ur percing on ur face thats to much and from what i know boys dont like 2manny on the face belly peircing nose moth ears aree niceee and right on top of ur moth

Answer #5

CAN I SEE CAN I SEE CAN I SEE?!?!?! I love piercings. :3 Smexy lol X3

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