When/Should I have sex with him?

Okay theres this guy, and I really like him and he says he likes me and he wants to have sex. I’ve had sex before and I wouldnt mind but I dont want to mess things up or move to fast…HELP!

Answer #1

itz your body do what you want with it

if you feel like you can trust this person then do what your heart tells u

hope I helped

Answer #2

We can’t tell you if you should have sex or not. The answer lies within your heart. To you, we are just strangers.. Are you really going to listen to strangers telling you to have sex? We don’t know when you’re ready or if you should or not.. The only person that knows the answer is YOU.

Answer #3

Well, by now you either did or you didn’t, but you have to figure out whether he only wants you for sex or not. If he wants to be serious with you, he can wait a while. If he only wants you for sex, then he probably isn’t worth your while unless you only want him for sex. But like the two previous people said, it’s ultimately your choice…

Answer #4

you can if you love this guy and know he won’t ditch you for another girl after you’ve done it, and try having it after your done your period so you can make sure you won’t get prego

Answer #5

Honestly. If he likes you and respects you,he will respect you enough to want to wait. I know how it is. And it will mess everything up. So if you want to wait with him, tell him and wait!

Answer #6

My personal opinion is that you should wait till mariage before having sex. If you find the guy of your dreams who loves you for you then he will wait for you. If he threatens to break up with you if you don’t or something like that then he isn’t worth your time.

Answer #7

Well, me and my fiance have been together going on 3 yrs now, and we waited a whole year, only because we were both afraid that the other would just get what we want and then run off. But during that time, I found my new best friend, someone I now know everything about and I share everything with him. I really got to know him personally and when we did have sex, it was the best I could have ever imagined just because we knew each other so well. Im not telling you to wait a year, Im just saying wait until you know FOR SURE this is what you BOTH want!!

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