When is the safest time to have sex?

Ok, me and my boyfriend had sex. First time w/ condom and second time no condom. The second time he came before we had sex. And my periods have been really iregular and I still havent started it tho. So I’m getting really worried. We had sex like 3 or 4 days after my last period. Is it safe before or after to have sex? And would I be pregnant??? Someone please helppp!

Answer #1

Wow everyones real mean on this. Ok well 1. if your NOT going to use a condom (which you hsould) you need to get on the pill because you can get prego ANY time. So from now on be more carefull. accidents and mistakes happen. Theres always the Morning After Pill. Its over the counter and it will stop you from being prego but you have to take it within 1 week of the incident for it to work. Also if your waiting for your period to start stressing about it NOT starting will MAKE you not start so my advice, and its good adivce is to drink a couple (and I do mean a couple like 2 ) of wine. I know your not supposed to frink while prego but 1. its to early to cause harm, and 2. two glasses wont hurt. but it will relaxe you and most the time that will have you start you period.

Cumming before sex, or pulling out DOES NOT mean you wont get prego, and penatration at all can make you prego. theres semen-fluid you cant awlays see or feel.

If you cant or wont do the wine thing, get a pregnancy test, or see your doctor. hell talk to you mom about it if you can. if you have a good relation ship with her she wont freak, but shell help you.

So from now on.. Be Safe!

its one thing to PRACTICE making babies, but its a whole other hting to MAKE babies. lol.

Calm down, things will work out.

hope I helped

~ Daydream Believer

Answer #2

ALWAYS use a condom! You are prollyyy preggo! Not trying to be meann…

Safee sex is great sex… so next time use a latex ;)

Answer #3

You can get pregnant any time. Even on your period! How bout getting your driver’s license, graduating high school/college, and becoming legal drinking age before you go sex crazy. Wait for someone who’s actually going to be dedicated to you who’s actually finished going through puberty. It’d probably be 10X to make love to someone who’d die for you then a guy who doesn’t even understand himself yet.

Answer #4

Oh and HappyHarry Thats mean because people dont go round calling guys ‘sluts’ so shut up! It works both ways!

Answer #5

I dont think there is a safe time tbh x So like I’d say condoms and Pill like everyone else And even if you are pregnant am sure you would make a great mum and you wont be regrettin it in the future ino your probs scared but if you have bled at all then you probs arnt it might just be some sort of coincidence :)

Answer #6

well I would always use a condom before piriod or not because even dough you have your piriod or are about to you will still get pregnet. Safe sex all that way is the best choice if you dont want to get pregnet all the way.

Answer #7

your a f*cking d0osh bag. but thanks for your concern! (:

Answer #8

You indeed might be pregnant. Just because he came once, doesn’t mean all the semen’s out of the picture. Some translucent fluid that you don’t know is there might make its entrance. If you’re not preggers, you should start taking the pill, and be a little more careful. You know should know All the ins and outs about sex, and no, I’m not just talking about him in you.

Answer #9

thats not funny happyharry.

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