When is it a good time to shave down there?

I am 16 years old and having hair down there really bugs me, but I dont want to look any more like a 10 year old than I already do.

Answer #1

Depends on what your guy wants - some want the beaver intact, others want it bare floor.

But if your concern is cleanliness, there are ways to do it - mohawk, semi-bare, or just plain trim. Be creative - it can be quite a turn-on in a way… :-)

Answer #2

You dont have to shave it all off lol… But if you want rid of most or it you could trim or shave it, theres quite a few bits you could do with it lol… I prefer mine all gone :)

Answer #3

A good time to shave is before “doing it”. Im 14 and I shave too cause I dont like it, but I dont “do it”. If you need any help shaving, heres a link:


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