When He Doesnt Get Wat He Wants

i have this guy friend…and hes really nice…but only sometimes… Yesterday he started talking to me and he was asking me to do stuff and i REALLY didnt want to and the next day everyone was treating me different. and then my best friend asked me if “it” was true. And the guy made nasty rumors about me! just cuz i didnt give him wat he wanted! and now the entire skool is treatng me weirdly! omg! hes so anoying, but wat could i do to change my new “reputation”??

Answer #1

First of all, talk to the guy. Let him know how you feel, ask him why he did it. If he’s your friend, he wouldn’t really do this to you. Also, I know for a fact that in about a week or two no one will remember the rumor as long as you don’t enforce it yourself or make a huge deal out of it. It might hurt that some people think low of you, but anyone who will believe at the drop of a hat that you are what this guy says obviously doesn’t know you very well, so who cares what they think? And I suggest breaking ties with this guy, doesn’t sound like the type of friend you want to have around if you’re planning on having a good rep. Just a thought.

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