When having sex first time?

Hey guys this is a kind of health/love & relationship question

Anyway, im 16 my girlfriend is 13, and wev been going out for a while, and I think we are getting to the sexual part of our relationship for the first time, Im worried tho, because I thin I have, fordyce spots on my penis, every site I’ve looked on ssays they are harmless, but im scared I will scare off my girlfriend if she see’s them, wihich she would obviously will, And as im 16 im not really fond of the idea of going to the doctors to get it cheked out, so I need help lol ?

Answer #1

Yeahh, 16 and 13 does sound weird but it’s love and also having sex at that time is really young. But if the spots are harmless then ok but maybe you should see a docter to make sure. But I also do under stand cause my friend is 13 and she is dating 15 yr.

Answer #2

Your 16 and you want to have sex with someone who is 13? 3 years is not a big deal in dating, but when sex is envolved and she is 13?! People will think you are taking advantage of her.

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